Evaluation of the project results and final recommendations
The final Intellectual Output of the project will gather all the results that have been achieved so far and especially the results of the evaluation process, and proceed to a series of highlevelrecommendations regarding the educational process of the SYSTEMA process and more generally the adult education process, also in light of the potential evolution of the jobmarket, hence accounting for the evidence of the need of new skills in future professions.

The intellectual output will focus specifically on the comments by the participants and will attempt to find those aspects of the SYSTEMA approach that can be improved and becomemore effective. Furthermore, the consortium – based on the knowledge and experience gained – will provide a set of practical guidelines related to the embedment of the newlygenerated knowledge, skills and future job scenarios in the overall adult education field. The purpose is to illustrate how the project’s approach, methods and results can improve thefield.
The impact and transferability of the output are extremely high, since there is the opportunity to completely re-orient adult education programs, should the SYSTEMA approach beadopted by the various organizations in the consortium buy more specifically by the various organizations in the extended network built by the partners.

More is coming, and soon!
Stay tuned!

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