Final Conference!
On May 30th 2023, 9.00 a.m., at the CNEL- NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE ECONOMY AND LABOR, Rome, the final conference of the SYSTEMA project (funded by the EU under the Erasmus+ KA2 program for cooperation) will be held. The project focuses on the creation of a training course for the introduction of Systems Thinking, aimed at a more effective digital transformation and sustainable development of complex organizations.
During the meeting the results from the SYSTEMA project will be illustrated and presented, with specific keynotes by experts and several representatives of important institutions: OECD, ASVIS, WWF Italy, JRC Seville and many others.
This will be a face-to-face as well as online event,
and participation is free of charge.
For information on the project and contacts:

2nd Project Meeting & Multiplier Event
SYSTEMA’s second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM2) together with the first Project Conference (Multiplier Event 1, “ME1”) took place in Frankfurt Germany from 27 to 29 September 2021, organized and hosted by Kompass.
Our survey!
We have an ongoing survey! It will take you only 5 minutes!

Our first meeting!
SYSTEMA’s Kick Off Meeting took place on November 9, 2020 through the Google Meet platform. The meeting started at 09:30 am (CET), ended shortly after 15:00 and saw the participation of 18 people belonging to the project consortium. The conduct of the meeting was marked by an agenda that first provided for the introduction of all partners and the presentation of the main features of the project, the Intellectual Outputs and project schedule, budget and responsibilities. The second part of the KOM had a more technical slant and served to Share quality and communication guidelines and dissemination activities, explain project administration rules and finally define next Action Items to take. This meeting was the first official step towards the innovation path that SYSTEMA has started.
The SYSTEMA project has been funded under the Erasmus + KA2 program “strategic partnership for adult education”, with the coordination of the Italian National Agency INDIRE. SYSTEMA, which officially began in September 2020, aims to bring the Systems Thinking approach into two very complex and highly topical issues such as Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation. The idea is to teach policy makers, professionals dealing with these issues, and younger generations how to abandon a “linear thinking” perspective and adopt systemic thinking when they have to face a problem or make decisions. The “core” of SYSTEMA therefore concerns the creation and provision of training courses on the topics of Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation based on the systemic thinking approach and intended for specific target groups identified among the categories of interest. The project also aims to create a stable network of actors engaged in the promotion of Systems Thinking as a privileged approach in addressing the reference issues, and to establish itself as the first stone of a path of change. SYSTEMA will have a duration of 24 months and will end in August 2022.