SYSTEMA’s second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM2) together with the first Project Conference (Multiplier Event 1, “ME1”) took place in Frankfurt Germany from 27 to 29 September 2021, organized and hosted by Kompass. 

The TPM2 chaired by SYDIC, was carried out in the premises of Kompass on 27.29.2021. The meeting was dedicated to the content of the project, followed by a one-and-half day Multiplier Event led by SYDIC on 28-29.09.2021. The venue was Frankfurt TechQuartier. 

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 related restrictions particularly on traveling from departing and in destination countries not all partners representatives from the consortium were able to attend the above-mentioned events in person. However, they could take part virtually via the Zoom platform.

Transnational Project Meeting: 

The TPM2 took place following the completion of delivering Intellectual Output 1 and 2 (IO1 and IO2) aiming to review and ratify the expected outcomes of the mentioned IOs. Furthermore, the project implementation plan was reviewed where the required adjustments in the deadlines were discussed and agreed by the consortium, the changes reflected in the updated version of the project Gantt chart. 

The consortium also focused on critical path activities, addressed the difficulties and obstacles that have been identified, deepened into implementation of tasks that are included in the mentioned two IOs, specifying responsibilities for each of the partners for the way forward. A detailed MoM concluding the result of the TPM has been prepared and shared with the consortium by SYDIC. 

The TPMs are not only useful to establish a strong implementation management team and good resource management but also provide the opportunities to the consortium for live meetings as they are essential to strengthen the personal connection amongst the project team and make sure that everybody is in line with the project milestones. TPMs are also the platform for reviewing tasks and experiences within the project, common exchange about difficulties and obstacles that might be encountered, finding solutions as well as the planning of the working phases lying ahead. 

Multiplier Event 

The ME1 – as planned, served as an initial introduction to SYSTEMA, its vision, the idea and logic behind the SYSTEMA approach as well as disseminate the results achieved from IO1 and IO2 to the audience. 

Due to covid19 restriction, Kompass hosted the ME1 in one of the halls of Frankfurt TechQuartier where the hall had sufficient space to the planned number of participants to maintain the social distancing according to the Covid-19 protocols. The room also provided the required technological resources that facilitated the participation of audiences that virtually took part. 

In this one-and-half day ME1, SYDIC delivered three lectures on the topics of: 

A) Overview of the course and Systems Thinking, 

B) System Dynamics modelling principles and tools; and 

C) Systems Thinking & System Dynamics for Sustainable Development 

The ME1 - beyond the consortium, targeted organizations, and individuals to share the objectives as well as preliminary findings of the project, create and expand the network of new potentially interested institutions in support of the project activities. 

Additionally, E1 will also serve the purpose to attract participants in the following E2 and E3, that will set the base for introducing/embedding the SYSTEMA approach and tools into Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation curricula as well as into current courses of participant organizations as well as other organizations that will manifest the interest of doing so. 

The International keynote speakers and lectures were: 

A) Mr. Stefano Armenia Ph.D.

B) Mr. Rocco Scolozzio Ph.D. 

C) Mr. Federico Barnabè 

D) Mr. Sarfraz. Nazir The experts come from different backgrounds such as systems thinking, digital transformation and sustainable development. 

The ME1 and the following events are reflecting the guides on educational needs as well as the state of the art on the use of Systems Thinking in digital transformation and in sustainable development.
