Face2Face meetings are essential to strengthen the personal connection amongst the project team and make sure that everybody is in line with the project milestones. They are also the place for reviewing tasks and experiences within the project, common exchange about difficulties and obstacles that might be encountered, finding solutions as well as the planning of the working phases lying ahead.
SYSTEMA includes 3 Transnational Meetings, balancing across establishing a strong implementation management team and good resource management.
Given the current pandemic situation throughout 2020 it was not possible to carry out events in the presence, and at the moment it is not known when this will be possible again. As a valid alternative until then, the project meetings will be held online through the major web platforms available.

SYSTEMA's Kick Off Meeting took place on November 9, 2020 through the Google Meet platform. The meeting started at 09:30 am (CET), ended shortly after 15:00 and saw the participation of 18 people belonging to the project consortium. The conduct of the meeting was marked by an agenda that first provided for the introduction of all partners and the presentation of the main features of the project, the Intellectual Outputs and project schedule, budget and responsibilities. The second part of the KOM had a more technical slant and served to Share quality and communication guidelines and dissemination activities, explain project administration rules and finally define next Action Items to take. This meeting was the first official step towards the innovation path that SYSTEMA has started.

It is expected to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, organized by Kompass. This meeting is scheduled to take place after the end of IO1, IO2 and the delivery of related outputs. All partners of the project consortium will participate in the meeting, during which the results of IO1 and IO2 will be ratified. The goal is to review the project implementation plan, focusing on the critical path activities, addressing the difficulties and any obstacles that have been identified. Finally, the meeting has the function of setting the start of the subsequent IOs by defining the Action Items and the related responsibilities of the project partners.

It is expected to be held in Rome, Italy, organised by SYDIC. This Meeting is scheduled to coincide with the final Multiplier Event of the project. This will provide the opportunity to all of the project partners, to present their work and contribution to the SYSTEMA project and provide the foundations for the sustainability of the project and ensure that the Systems Thinking education can remain relevant after the project’s lifetime.