Intellegere (from Latin "to understand") is a no profit organization established in 2014 with the mission to help people to understand each other, and a world that is becoming more and more accelerated and connected.
Intellegere promotes people cultural development, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion through formal and non-formal education, especially for minors, including disadvantaged targets as children with specific learning disabilities and special needs.
Intellegere team is formed by different professionals with a large variety of skills and a unique goal: to help people reach their own goals. Among the others, there are project managers, marketing experts, language teachers and digital trainers.
The staff is composed by 10 full-time staff members and supported by a pool of 50 education professionals, teachers and trainers on project basis.
Language education
Languages for understanding each other. For overcoming barriers. For evolving. English, French, German, Spanish, Italian for foreigners, and beyond: Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
New Technologies and Languages
The tools for understanding and inhabiting the changing world. To be more productive. To communicate more effectively. To fully express one’s potential.
We collaborate with schools from the pre-school years through the last years of secondary school in order to develop bilingualism projects. This is so that our children will truly become citizens of the world.
Cultural Awareness
We provide support for organizations and associations in the development of projects designed to enhance cultural awareness, working side by side with organizations that promote cultural integration.

Piazza Gondar 22, 0019, Roma, Italy
Members of the team
Gianmarco Nicita

Jason At the age of 18, he started his studies in Chemical Engineering in Rome, and after 3 years he got his bachelor. His hyperactivity didn’t disappear with age and moved him from one place to another, and even from one job to another. He started to work in the education field by chance where, finally, he began to find his way (and a little bit of peace). He studied hard to learn how to help others to learn. During 7 years in Elea (an Olivetti’s Management School) he learnt the importance of soft skills and IT skills in business development. But it was only when he started his first entrepreneur's experience that he found the meaning of the path the had started on: help children find their own path. Gianmarco first started a language school (in 2008), then started Digital Education Lab (2017), a digital education school for children and teens. In Digital Education Lab digital skills meet soft skills to help students - including those with educational special needs - to really grow in a world that has become incredibly complex. Gianmarco believes that System Thinking can be revolutionary for child education, and will do his best to help introduce it as a curricula subject in schools.
More about Gianmarco Nicita can be found here: