Evaluation of courses results
An integral part of the educational approach that is offered by the SYSTEMA project is the evaluation of the learning activities and the skills that will be acquired by the participants. It isworth mentioning here again that with the SYSTEMA project, partners will be leveraging on their business as usual activities in order not to weigh too much on the project budget anduse project resources more efficiently. This means that the courses and objects delivered during the first phase of the project (IO1 to IO4) will be embedded in the educational activitiesalready provided by project partners in their day-to-day/institutional businesses.

So, UOM, KOMPASS, CSICY, INTELLEGERE, TAOC and ASVIS will embed the produced modules(in terms of output and tools) on Systems Thinking, Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation in their normal educational offering. This will produce results that will basicallybe evaluated through the observation of training outcomes (project works, ad-hoc cognitive tests, specific assignments results, workshops, etc.) and with surveys and interviews doneduring the courses and during the local promotion events done by each partner.
The evaluation of results will be performed as follows:
– Discussions and/or unstructured interviews that can act as unfiltered sessions of feedback and comments allowing the participants to provide their thoughts on the experience of SYSTEMA.
– Formalized questionnaires that will entail questions of closed type (specific answers to choose from) that the partners of the consortium wish to investigate. Part of this aspect is toinvestigate whether the participants can detect
archetypes in systems, can understand the notion of feedback loops, etc.
– Evaluation of the extent to which the participants better understand how sustainable development can be achieved.
– Evaluation of the extent to which the participants better understand the impacts of digital transformation.

– Part of the Systems Thinking approach is that it allows the experimentation with mock-up situations where one takes the role of the decision-maker, makes choices and can see whatis the behavior that emerges from these actions. Such
exercises offer insights into the trainee’s frame of mind and whether he understands the systemic nature of certain situations.
– Finally, the consortium will attempt to evaluate how well the educators/participants have transferred the SYSTEMA method and material to their own programs. Consequently, parts ofthe above elements of the evaluation will be performed
on the trainees in the programs of the educators that participated in the SYSTEMA project.
All the evaluation process and the answers of the participants/educators will comply with rules regarding privacy and data protection.
At the end of the evaluation process, IO5 will produce a report/ebook related to “the effectiveness of the introduction of Systems Thinking in formal and non formal education in thefields of Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation”.

More is coming, and soon!
Stay tuned!