The objective of the SYSTEMA project is to develop a Systems Thinking Course with an emphasis on Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development and conduct the course in terms of workshops designed for adults. The partners developed 3 different modules: one on the Theory of Systems Thinking (Intellectual Output 2), one on Digital Transformation and how Systems Thinking can assist it (Intellectual Output 3) and finally one on Sustainable Development and how Systems Thinking can assist it (Intellectual Output 4).
Moreover, to evaluate the results of the course and the knowledge that was gained by the participants, an evaluation framework was designed and developed (Intellectual Output 5). The approach to find the participants and the conduction of the courses is scheduled to begin at the last 5 months of the project.
However, the project consortium decided to test the SYSTEMA approach before applying it to adult education. In that regard, the University of Macedonia created the SYSTEMA course that was offered to the students of the Department of Business Administration in the spring semester of 2022. The aim was to test the material that was developed to actual circumstances and get feedback on what could be improved, changed etc.
The SYSTEMA course was an elective at the Department of Business Administration for the Spring Semester of 2022. It was available for both Greek and Erasmus+ students of the Department since the course was taught in English.
Overall 40 students were registered for the course (both Greek and E+ students) and the lectures covered the following:
- 4 Lectures on the Theory of Systems Thinking
- 4 Lectures on Digital Transformation and how Systems Thinking can assist it
- 4 Lectures on Sustainable Development and how Systems Thinking can assist it
As is typical in Greek Universities, the students had to take an exam at the end of the semester. This exam was also used as an evaluation to understand how well the students understood the material.
The SYSTEMA course that was offered at the University of Macedonia could be described as a test for the SYSTEMA course that will be offered in adults in the context of the project. In general, the UoM course can be considered a success based on three factors:
- All the students that took the exam, passed it, indicating an understanding of Systems Thinking and how it can be applied to Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development
- The assignments that were developed by the students show a high level of maturity and understanding of Systems Thinking. Furthermore, the students were encouraged to work independently, choosing their own subject, performing their own literature review etc.
- Anecdotal evidence and informal feedback by the students that indicated how much they appreciated the course, that they learned a new methodology and that it can be applied to real-life situations.